Thursday, November 5, 2009

And now...

Since you've seen the pictures of what happened to me, here's a few of what happened to my car:

(BTW... I don't know what's up with the date stamp on my pics...but these WERE taken just yesterday.)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Okay so wrecking one's car really sucks. You're hurt, and you're without transportation, and it's just plain miserable.

Below are pics of my very colorful ankle, and burned hand (you really do have to wach out for those airbags...)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A few thought's about conference...

A few conference thoughts as posted on my FB profile:

Eliza Ruth Sewell loves General Conference. My favorite talk so far was Elder Bednar's...

"Feeling a security and constancy of love is a rich blessing. Such love nurtures and sustains faith in God, such love is a source of strength and casts out fear, such love is the desire of every human soul."
--David A. Bednar, Oct. 3rd, 2009

Eliza Ruth Sewell thinks conference is wonderful! My favorite talk thus far today has been President Monson's... service really does bring the greatest joy I've felt in this life...

Favorite quote this morning:
"Even more amazing than modern technology is our oportunity to access information directly from heaven without hardware, software, ot monthly service fees"
--Russell M. Nelson, Oct. 4th, 2009

Eliza Ruth Sewell has loved this conference! I can't wait til April, when it comes around again.

I've never heard such a powerful testimoney of the Book of Mormon as that which was borne by Elder Holland this afternoon. I love these wonderful men who lead us...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I wish I knew what's up with my mind that I worry so much. I'll have this one teeny thought latch itself to my brain, and then it will totally blow itself out of proportion until it has taken over my whole thought process with this huge horrible worst case scenario. Do these scenarios ever actually come to pass? NO! So why won't my brain just be normal and happy?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I'm so happy that I've finally learned how to add pictures to my blog. I know it's not really that complex, but I couldn't do it before, and now I can. Woo-hoo!

I laughed hard...

Okay, so here's the thing. I am a firm believer in the saying "moderation in all things." I'm not a fan of extreme behavior or viewpoints... therefore, groups like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and many others like them do not find a fan in me. Beyond that, I am highly amused by those who are witty enough to mock them effectively. Call me horrible, but this has got to be the funniest bumper sticker I've seen in ages:

What do you think?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Conference weekend...

I really do love conference weekends. I think they are the best weekends of the year. I love to hear the prophet speak to us and to learn what he and the apostles and leaders have prepared to teach us. It fills my soul with peace. I think, though, that the adversar knows this. He always tries to create some problem in my life everytime conference rolls around. But the Lord knows this, and blesses me with the strength to withstand the difficulties and joy in His word. This weekend has been noo different thus far than the last two (in either regard). I was so happy to hear the announcement of a new apostle. I love and miss Elder Wirthlin, but I'm happy to know that he his again reunited with his dear wife, and also to know that through the inspiration received by our prophet, from the Lord, the work continues to move forward. The words that have been spoken have enlightened my mind and brought peace to my soul, and I look forward to the remaining 3 sessions.

Friday, March 27, 2009

my 2 worlds...

Sometimes I feel like my brain is split between 2 worlds. There's one world, where my friends are, where I'm happy and loving life; and then there's the other, less pleasant one, where my most of my family resides. I'm in MY world, when I'm out with my friends, gone to Church, gone to work, at night when everyone else has gone to bed, or when I'm on my phone with friends. And then suddenly someone will burst through my bedroom door, or maybe I'll simply have to come home from...whatever, and then MY world bursts, much like a bubble, and I am sucked back into their world again. I have to fight, most of the time, to avoid being sucked into that world permenantly, but the fight is worth it. Someday I will be able to spend the vast majority of my time in MY world, and have a home like I've always dreamed of, and the joy I will find there will make the fight to stay out of their world worth every moment of the struggle.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Some times I can be so lame. Here's the deal...I recently found out that I like to play soccer. Of course it really bites sometimes, cuz of the fibro, specially if I take i serious hit from the ball. But other that the pain, it's awesome. I dunno how I went 25 years without reaizing I like this sport. The kicker is, I never would have found out I liked it if not for a guy. I figured, you like a guy, you do what he likes, even if you hate it. SO I went into this every week ritual thinking, "this is gonna suck." Now it's like 2 months later, he still shows no real intrest other thatn being a friend, and I'm hooked on playing indoor soccer with my friends. So if nothing else, I can always thank him for broadening my horizons, huh? Strange, the things life will teach you each day...