Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Proud to be an American...

A friend recently posed the question: "What are we fighting for?" That got me thinking about my thoughts and feelings about this country we live in. These are my conclusions:

We are fighting against insane people who genuinely believe that the way they get into heaven is by killing you and me and destroying freedom and democracy everywhere. No, of course I don't mean the majority of Mulims by any means. Most of them are wonderful people. But there is a very frightening militant, terrorist fringe who believe anything Western or Christian must be destroyed at all costs.

IMHO... we had every right and reason to go into Afganistan and go after the sorry SOB's (pardon my french) who attacked our country, and to eradicate all who support them. Iraq is alot less clear cut... I'rm really not sure we were right to go there in the first place, but we were genuine in our belief that we had to go in and rid them of the WMD's we believed they had. But we sure can't just pull out all support now and leave them hanging.

I've talked to several soldiers, honorable men and women, about the horrors and triumph's they have experienced. I'll defy anyone who has sat at home, comfortable, for the last 8 1/2 years, who says that these soldiers don't know what they are talking about. They tell me of people, women and children especially, who are happier than they have ever been, as they emerge from the oppression of tyranny... Of people voting for the first time, emerging grinning from ear to ear... Of children who are being educated, joyous simply because they are finally learning to read. Yes there have been atrocities, and other abuses of power, but those are by far the minority. I've never been prouder to be an American than I am now, nor have I ever been happier to support those who give their time, talents, and even their lives to protect me and all that I hold dear.

I cannot understand people who see America as this horrible country that just wants to control the world. That couldn't be further from the America I know and love, which is a country founded under the direction and inspiration of God and on principles of freedom. We are not a perfect country, but neither are we fundamentally flawed. Our constitution is an inspired document, and we will always be the shining city on a hill as long as Americans believe that and stand up for their rights.

I love this country and the people who sacrifice everything to preserve it. Islamic terrorist don't want to kill us because "we keep butting into their business", but because of who we are and what we stand for. If we didn't fight them in their territory, they will bring the fight over here and kill everyone they can. I, for one, am not willing to sand by and watch that happen, without doing everything I can to make my voice heard.

I'm neither stupid nor uneducated. I've read and studied more about the history of this country than almost anyone I know, and I daily keep up with current events. You can disagree with me, but never suggest that I thiink and feel the way I do because I just don't know any better...

In closing, I'll just quote these words:

"America, America, God shed His grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea."